Little Minty yet Lovely Notes. (:

check out my Formspring!
i LOVE answering questions! it's just so fun! xD
so check my profile out at :
OR! you can ask me on the right side, about the 'About Me,' thingy. ^_^

i have a phone that i'd like to sell. it's a HTC Fuze.
it is a gorgeous little thing, but i'm not a huge phone person. i stick to my only phone, a Blackburry. ^_^ plus, i'm in dire need of money. =.=
it was a gift from a loved one, but my family comes first.
so i hope you can help us out by purchasing this phone (:
if you want more details of the phone, ie. pictures, how it works, and blahh, please do not hesitate to contact me at :


we can talk about pricing and stuff, if you love me oh so much. xD

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Terrible At Naming Posts. xD

ello my lovelies. ^^
how's it been? this week went by fast!
so what happened with me? and did i ever mention my real name is Stacy? xD
but we all call me Tracy Stan. i love that name! it will always be with me foreverr.
why Tracy Stan? because Stacy Tran, is my real name as in Tracy Stan... ><

nothing new has occured.
we're playing soccer now for p.e. and i cry!
we have this agility test [[hit the ball on your head, both knees, and feet in one go]] and i suck at it.
my brain doesn't work well on both sides, so i have to start training it! wanna join?

MAP testing for math was quite easy.
i don't want to jinx myself for science next week so yea...

ALSO! on Wednesday, i wore my stripe dress from Wet Seal and everyone loved it. ^^
it's awkwardly short [[above my knee by like two inches]] so i was trying to pull it down half the time i was walking. luckily it had pockets so i didn't feel AS awkward.
i wore the dress for work, for it was random day of the week. wednesday was the random day and the random thing was, if you wore stripes to the restuarant, you would get a slice of cake of your choice made by me!!!!!!!! woohoo!
we told no one, and lots came in with stripes. interesting huh? there was cheesecake, chocolate cake, vanilla, marble, strawberry and so on!^^

thursday was Earth Day! woohoo!
i used a reusable bottle. do you?
my school didnt do anything for Earth Day, so yea... *sigh*
i also ate Lunchable's Deep Dish Pizza thingy. it was soooo good!

today was just a normal day for me. not saying i am normal, which i am soo far from.
nothing new occured, so yea... school, lunch, home, sleep.
!!!! also. i learned some dancing. like just ballet and random stuff with some friends.^^
i remember! we also had these Harlem ballet dancers come to our school! it was so awesome, but my friends and i were being the dorks that we were and just laughed the whole time.
i also tasted Nilla wafers and they're so yummy!!
i also finished the Lightning Thief awhile ago. SUCH AN AWESOME BOOK! you have to read it! X3
so what's up with you? anything new? like a birthday or something?
btw, i will have a QOTD by this weekend.
i have to read this Civil War novel, and i'm a procrastinator. soo.... yea. wish me luck!
also, i haven't gotten my package from Yuki yet. *sigh*
it's been like a month! oh wells. patience is key!

i'll see you soon!!
comment and feedback!

i love this pickie. ^^
has two of my fav things:
music & black and white!


  1. I love reading your blog! It makes me go back to those old days lol! Good luck with the novel...if it makes you feel better, i have 3 exams and 2 presentations next week, plus 14 chapters, 2 research papers...all due within a week and a half!

  2. oooppppsss the above comment posted with my old account....


share your mintylovee! ^_^